Boost your bookings with packages on Expedia Group

11 Nov 2024
Are you looking for new ways to attract more travellers and increase your bookings?

Expedia Group package deals are all-in-one booking options that combine at least two of the three major travel products: flights, lodging and hire cars. By bundling these elements into a single transaction, travellers can enjoy a seamless booking experience while taking advantage of exclusive discounts.

Package deals attract valuable guests—the average Expedia Group package travellers:
  • Are 3x more likely to come from international destinations.
  • Take 40% more trips.
  • Pay a 29% higher daily rate and stay 33% longer.
Reach the world
International travellers have a lot to plan when travelling—making it easy for them to book multiple elements of a trip at once is a great way to attract them. According to Expedia Group first-party data, international bookings accounted for half of all package bookings in 2022—and 20% of those international bookings come from a mobile device.

Offer unbeatable value
Packages are also one of the most appealing types of offers for travellers. In a recent Expedia Group Traveller Value Index report, 32% of travellers surveyed said they see a discount for booking a package (e.g. a flight and hotel together) as the most appealing type of offer.

Simple and flexible setup
Setting up package rates on Expedia Group sites is straightforward and flexible. On Expedia Group Partner Central, you can set package rate plans or you can create package promotional offerings. Package rate plans and deals can be evergreen or targeted at specific markets, booking windows, lengths of stay and date ranges.

The best part? Expedia Group travellers will only see the total package price, so you can offer discounts without diluting your public or published rates. 

Get started setting up package rates on Expedia Group Partner Central today!

If you don’t have access to Expedia Group Partner Central, please contact us for support.

Source: Expedia Group internal data, 2022–2023

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